Source: JCDA June 2008, Vol. 74, No. 5
Health Canada released a report regarding their assessment for the risk of bisphenol A (BPA) release from dental restorative materials (“fillings”) and concluded that the amount released is extremely small in comparison to other sources. The restrictions and regulations will have an impact on baby bottles and infant formula containers and not on dental materials.
Unfortunately, the media coverage lead to a negative public opinion which, unfortunately, outweighs the scientific evidence to the contrary.
General safety concerns about BPA are based on research conducted on animals and suggest that BPA may have an irreversible effect on reproductive capacity and development in humans as it acts to mimic estrogen.
Dental restorative materials (preventive resin restorations and composites) are safe and effective ways to protect children and adults from the effects of decay and restoring the dentition to health.
According to the research, the amount of BPA released from dental materials is small in comparison to other non-dental sources, and limited to a few products only. According to the research, the “exposure occurs within the first few hours after placement and then quickly reduces to virtually nothing”. When the materials is hardened with the curing LED light, it becomes stable instead of volatile as the media would let you believe.
Health Canada’s safety margin for BPA levels in humans is 25 micrograms daily per kilogram of body weight. No restrictions are planned for dental restorative materials.
The majority of dental restorative materials in our office are resin-based, and BPA is not used as an ingredient in the manufacture of resin-based dental materials. While our materials may contain other chemicals derived from BPA (e.g. bis-GMA and bis-DMA), pure bisphenol A is not found in the majority of dental fillings.
Our office offers appointments throughout the week including evenings, Saturdays and Sundays (by appointment as days and times vary). We always welcome ne patients, emergencies and offer free consultations. And we rely on your referrals for our growth.
Our dentists provide a full range of treatment all under one roof to minimize the need for outside referrals. Some of the treatment we provide includes the full service and placement of dental implants, root canal therapy, wisdom tooth surgery, sedation, invisalign orthodontics, and cosmetic treatments. Most importantly, our preventive dental care program aims to reduce the risk of you and your family requiring more invasive and costly treatment.
Our office is located in the heart of Thornhill in Vaughan. Call today to schedule your appointment.